Connection with nature is known to improve our well-being and research shows how much more beneficial this is when doing so mindfully, creatively, using our five senses, with gratitude and along with other people. When we feel connected to nature, we are also more likely to make pro-environmental choices.

Art Therapy collage

So, this year, we decided to take this all on board and had the pleasure of running four lots of nature-based therapeutic art groups, one block of 6 sessions across each of the four seasons.

Thanks to funding from the National Lottery Community Fund, we were able to offer these free of charge, opening them up to anyone in the Wigan borough.

Each group started with a welcome, and included some mindfulness and meditation, time forest bathing, time to get creative using an array of art materials and some time to reflect together on our experience and creations. And importantly a good cuppa too!

Each week, we focused on a different sense and took time to really stop and notice the beauty around us.

We’ve listened to the sounds of the trees whispering in the gentle breeze as well as the earth soaking up the rain, we’ve enjoyed tea ceremonies in which we’ve set intentions for ourselves under a canopy of branches and leaves, we’ve used clay to find and experiment with the texture of bark and rocks, we’ve made nature mandalas, we’ve soaked up the health giving phytoncides from trees, and inhaled the serotonin producing bacteria in soil.

It’s been such a privilege to share this time with so many people, some who attended just one session and some who attended almost all of them.

Each week we created a sacred space, using sacred to mean something that is worthy of awe and respect, this became such a precious part of each group as we honoured nature, honoured our- selves and our creativeness. It’s humbling what deep parts of our souls are moved when we combine nature and art, it’s been a space in which we have connected together with our joys as well as our sorrows, and taken time to breath out, relax and let nature hold us. Thank you to everyone who made this such a special event.

“I have attended most of the sessions and I must say they really have been a life saver. I have struggled with my mental health for quite a while. Through going to these sessions I’ve learnt meditations skills, breath work and how to express myself through art. It’s surprising how much one piece of art can say about someone, really enlightening. I would highly recommend.” – Andrea

“Uplifting and eye-opening. Opened up my sense to the world around me.”

“wonderful to have time to spend in nature and appreciate what we have around us” – Bev

“I have gained confidence to speak about my thoughts/ difficulties and know nobody is judging me. The groups have taught me to slow down and be kind to myself” – Chloe

“The groups have been uplifting and helpful, they have helped with mindfulness, being present in the moment, being grounded and aware. They have helped with relaxation techniques. I have enjoyed creating art/ crafted items with the group and exploring motivations/thoughts etc. I have enjoyed them a lot” – Lisa

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