We have just launched a new GoFundMe fundraiser to help us get going (and growing) for the new year! 

Here is the link

We need your help! Give it a Grow Wigan are fundraising. We’ve achieved so much this year, and we’d like to continue our work.

What we've done so far

In spring, we gave out 752 native packs of wildflower seeds to residents, community groups, schools and more, creating over 1.5km sq of new wildflower meadow.

We transformed the border of a car park with some amazing neighbours in Tyldesley, we built a wildlife pond and meadow in Beech Hill, started a meadow in Atherton Cemetry, and recently we gave out over 200 bulbs to help provide people with some spring colour, and pollinators with early blooms. We have many more projects in the pipeline, including an orchard!

We’ve done a lot with the donations we’ve received so far, and we also have self-funded the group to keep progress going. We are so very grateful to everyone who has supported us with donations or given their time.



We’re organising this fundraiser so that we can continue our work. The funds are for plants, seeds, soil and tools.

With these, we can grow a lot more pesticide and herbicide-free plants, carefully chosen and grown with pollinators and wildlife in mind. They will be planted out and distributed to people, groups and more all over Wigan borough.

To purchase organic (no chemicals used) plants, grown in peat-free soil is often impossible or expensive, making them inaccessible to most.

Although we know these things are all detrimental to the environment and to wildlife. 

Peat comes from ancient peat bogs, which are amazing for storing carbon, when we use peat it not only destroys vital habitats but the damaged peat bogs leak out vast amounts of CO2, actually reversing their great work storing carbon. 

Pesticides are non-selective, no matter what the label says. Even in tiny doses (a few parts per billion!). They are killing pollinators worldwide.

We believe growing our own plants to distribute around Wigan is important work and will benefit people and wildlife for years to come. 

We have a new growing hub in Wigan town centre that we’re in the process of clearing, reading for planting; there is loads of potential for the site!

We’ll also be working more with residents across the borough to see how we can transform alleys around the borough to create beautiful community green spaces.

We appreciate your help so much!

Give it a Grow Wigan is a non-profit community group with the aim of making Wigan pollinator and wildlife friendly and increasing biodiversity in our urban spaces and towns. 


Ali, Victoria, Dawn & Michelle

Give it A Grow Team

If you would like more information on wildlife gardening, or want to keep up with more of our news, get in touch on either our Facebook pageInstagram, or email