Here’s a quick round up of what we’ve been up to lately, and what’s to come! 

Wildlife Pond

We finished our wildlife pond at St Ann’s in Beech Hill. It was a big job, as it was relentlessly sunny and hot on every build day! But it’s been worth it; the pond is already full of insect life and giving a bit of water for small passers-by.

The pond plants were all carefully chosen, UK native where possible, with oxygenating submerged plants, this’ll reduce the build-up of algae.

The pond has a gentle slope (with 1 deeper part that wont freeze over winter), allowing creatures to get in and out of the water safely.

Soon we’ll see all the plants grow and transform, making it a tranquil spot for reflection and peace. Maybe next summer we’ll have frogs or even newts! 

This photo was just after we built it, the water has already cleared and the plants are growing beautifully! 

Pledge for Wildlife

We were recently inspired by a fantastic campaign called Wild East to encourage people in the borough to make a pledge to wildlife. It’s simple, we’re asking landowners and residents to make a promise to themselves that where possible they will consider wildlife and biodiversity in regards to green spaces. We’ve already had a number of pledges, it’s so inspiring to see what everyone is doing to help pollinators and the local ecosystem! We’re also offering help if anyone wants to do more, but are sure where to start! Head to our pledge page for more info.

Wigan in Bloom

We’ve entered Wigan in Bloom this year! We’re more of an unusual entry, as we’re entering for all the locations we’ve worked on or helped with (including the seed distribution!) Rather than one place.

We’re excited! But to be honest, very often, In Bloom entries look a lot more pristine than ours… I can see bedding plants popping up all over the borough. However, the criteria are Horticulture, Environment and Community, and I feel that our group works across all 3 of these themes well. It’s not just about a fancy display.

If you have any photos that you’d like to share of your mini wildflower meadow patch, then we’d love to see them and possibly use them in our entry! Wish us luck! 🤞

Preparing Seed Giveaway for Autumn

Soon we will start packing and preparing wildflower seeds for our Autumn giveaway. We’ll have to put a cap on numbers this time to logistically we can handle it! If you missed out in Spring, then look out for news on our social media pages.

You can read all about making a mini wildflower meadow at home and about the seeds we’ve selected.

Plant Sale Day - June

In June, we had our first Plant Sale day, as part of Social Wellbeing CIC’s summer fair. There we sold a variety of flowers, all grown from seed, that are herbicide-free, pesticide-free and peat-free, often not something you can get at regular garden centres. People were also able to come and speak to us about our projects and ask for advice.  It was great to meet everyone! And thanks to Rose for our beautiful sign.

Wigan Community Day - 18th September

We’ll have a stall at Wigan Community Day in Wigan Town centre on 18th September. We’re so excited! We’ll be giving away free wildflower seeds and selling bulbs ready for planting straight away – giving those early pollinators some much-needed nectar. You’re also welcome to come and chat with us about ideas you have or ask for advice about any gardening or green space.

Carpark Greenspace Design in Tyldesley

Residents in Tyldesley came to us recently, with a great idea to transform the border of a local carpark. This may not sound glamourous, but the border is a small greenspace that they all look out directly onto from their houses. It’s a reasonably quiet street away from the main road, and it’s ideal for a spot for a revamp.

Along with local councillors and the residents, we’ve applied for funding, created a whole new design plan and are just about ready to start! Hopefully, we can start work very soon. We’ve chosen pretty drought-resistant perrenial plants, that don’t need much maintenance and should cope well with exposure and hot sun – and of course ones that pollinators love! 

In progress

We’re in talks with many more spaces around the borough, in Leigh, Atherton and more, so we have many more exciting plans coming over the next few months. We’ll be so chuffed to share more news as it gets confirmed. If you have an idea for a space to be improved, please get in touch


If you would like to help us, then a small donation would be greatly appreciated. Donating to our cause helps fund new planting schemes, fuel, and purchasing of plants and seeds. We use the money to help improve spaces and help residents all across the borough. We couldn’t have done it without your help so far; we are so grateful.

Thanks for reading! if you would like more information on wildlife gardening, or want to keep up with more of our news, get in touch on either our Facebook pageInstagram, or email