Here’s a quick update for what we’ve been up to in March. We’ve now been running this campaign for just over a month. Time has really flown.

As of today, we’ve had well over 700 requests for free wildflower seed packs and we’ve delivered over 300 of these already around the borough. We’re going as fast as we can, but please be patient, we are small team! And you have until end of April to sow them really.  

We actually had to remove the form from our website, as I guess the post went viral with over 400 sign ups in 1 day. We’re now working to fulfill these requests as soon as we can. I’m hoping to make a map as soon as we’re done delivering so we can see how far they’ve travelled!

We couldn’t have done this without the help of volunteers who have already supported us so much. We have been delivering packets of wildflower seeds all over the borough – to almost every single town or village. 

If you’d like to volunteer, just contact us. We also have a busy friendly facebook group where people can offer to volunteer or just learn more about what we’re doing. 

We have also had some very generous donations that allowed us to buy seeds in bulk, and so reducing our costs – we are incredibly grateful. 

If you’d like to donate, just head here – any donations go towards our direct costs, not time, we’re non profit and everyone is working on a volunteer bases currently.  


We also made it into the papers! Posing slightly awkwardly with some garden props. It was a great article and really showed what we’re about. We got some lovely messages after people saw it. The public support has been amazing. You can read the full article here


We now have community group status and we’re looking into funding asap – this will help us expand our ideas and make a bigger impact within Wigan Borough.

We’re also starting to have positive talks with the council, residents and several community groups, schools and cemeteries. We want to work with both private and public spaces to make the biggest difference. 

We’re setting plans in place for rewilding and seed sowing and planting all over the borough including Wigan Town Centre, Atherton, Hindley and more in progress.

This month we got the first spade in the soil at St Ann’s Community Garden in Beech Hill, Wigan. We identified a section, and have been busy digging away and clearing the weeds and dense grass to make space. We will plant wildflower seeds very soon! I’m so looking forward to seeing this garden in the summer. 


We have been given some beautifully handmade (in Wigan!) bee hotels, these are fantastic for solitary bees to make a home. 

We’re selling these to the public for £8 each, so let us know if you want one. We don’t have many left now! Just email us or contact us to get one for your garden

Bee hotel for Sale

Wildflower sowing season is almost over for Spring, if you missed out, it’ll come again in Autumn where we’ll have our next giveaway. Until then, we have plenty of plans for the Summer and beyond. So keep up to date with our news on facebook or instagram