
3 Mar

Wildlife Gardening – What to do in March

March is the start of meteorological Spring, Hurray! Many animals and creatures are awaking after Winter and desperately need some food and somewhere to nest.


27 Feb

Donate to our Campaign

If you believe in the work we are doing, and you want to help, please consider donating to our campaign. It would be massively appreciated and it would make a big difference.


26 Feb

What’s the big deal with Grass lawns?

Lawns may appear ‘nice and neat’, but manicured lawns like we see all over the UK are not that beneficial environmentally, due to the sheer upkeep of mowing, fertiliser, herbicide and pesticides etc needed to keep them looking pristine.


23 Feb

10 Easy Pollinator Plants to Grow

Spring is coming, a great time for planting and planning, so with that in mind here are 10 easy to grow RHS ‘Perfect for Pollinators’ approved plants for your garden.


21 Feb

Wildlife Gardening in a Small Space

When I rented my first house in Wigan it had a tiny tiny tiny paved yard. While I wasn’t in a position to pull up the flags, I wanted my own green space. It is possible, and importantly, it’s possible on a budget.


18 Feb

Brand new Campaign!

Ali Ball and Victoria Finch started this campaign in Feb 2021


20 Feb

How to Grow a Mini Wildflower Meadow in your Garden

There are a few types of wildflower meadow but we will focus on the easiest ones, to get started in your own garden without being an expert. It will take a little time, as our garden soil is often too rich for wildflower species, but if you start early it’ll be worth it.